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The Lawyers of have a wide range of different practice areas.  Below is a list of the basic areas of law some of the featured lawyers focus in.

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Law involves prosecution by the state or federal government of a person or business for an act that has been classified as a crime. Any act or omission of an act in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it is considered a "crime." With the exception of strict liability crimes, most crimes consist of three elements: an act (actus reus), a mental state (mens rea) and the intent to do social harm. Crimes are classified as "misdemeanors" (less serious offenses that are normally punishable by a fine like some traffic violations, petty theft, or possession of a small amount of marijuana) and "felonies" (more serious offenses that warrant imprisonment of one or more years, such as rape, grand theft, assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, or homicide/murder).



Dependency Law

Dependency Law:

Child Protective Services (CPS) is a department of California Social Services.  When there are issues involving abuse or neglect of a child, CPS is the government entity that is the government's tool to address societies concern. The CPS is the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. It is important to have an attorney skilled in these cases from the start.  I am a private and independent attorney and I do not accept county appointments.

Family Law

​Family Law is the law relating to family disputes and obligations has grown dramatically since the 1970s, as legislators and judges have reexamined and redefined legal relationships surrounding Divorce, Child Custody, and Child Support. Family law has become entwined with national debates over the structure of the family, gender bias, and morality. Despite many changes made by state and federal legislators, family law remains a contentious area of U.S. law, generating strong emotions from those who have had to enter the legal process.


DUI Defense

In every state, it is a crime for a driver to operate a vehicle while impaired by the effects of alcohol or drugs. The specific offense may be called driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), operating under the influence (OUI), and even operating a motor vehicle intoxicated (OMVI). Whatever the specific title, DUI laws make it unlawful for a person to operate a car, truck, motorcycle, or commercial vehicle. A DUI is unlike most other misdemeanor charges because the prosecution must rely upon scientific evidence in order to prove the case.  A lawyer is vital to protecting your rights and your record.


Restraining Orders Defense

Restraining Order Defense refers to the defense of the party having a restraing order placed upon them. If the petitioning party obtains a restraining order against you they will hold a significant amount of power and leverage over you. This power can be used either justly or unjustly. This party can involve law enforcement in your affairs. Once law enforcement is involved it is very likely that the police will side with the court and the protected party against you.  It is vital to get proper council immediately to protect your rights. 

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